
Pifinity conducts a program called “Kintsugi Career LaunchPad”. Kintsugi Career LaunchPad is an innovative program designed to help high school students from government schools make informed decisions about their careers. The program recognizes that career-related decision making can be challenging, particularly for students from underserved communities who may not have access to quality education or exposure to a wide range of career options.


Kintsugi Career LaunchPad:
Embracing Imperfections for Success

The Kintsugi Career LaunchPad provides students with the support and resources they need to explore different career paths and make informed decisions about their future. The program offers a range of activities and skill building workshops focused on life skills, career guidance, entrepreneurship, and financial awareness. Through these activities, students will gain valuable insights into the world of work and develop the skills and confidence they need to succeed in their chosen careers.

At the heart of the Kintsugi Career LaunchPad is the idea that embracing imperfections can lead to greater success. Like the Japanese art of Kintsugi, which involves repairing broken pottery with gold, the program encourages students to see their flaws and imperfections as opportunities for growth and development. By embracing their imperfections and learning from their mistakes, students can build stronger, more resilient careers that will enable them to thrive in the long term.

Through the Kintsugi Career LaunchPad, students will build a network of mentors and supporters who will help them navigate the complex world of work and make informed decisions about their careers. By providing students with the resources they need to succeed, the program aims to create a more equitable and inclusive society, where all students have the opportunity to achieve their full potential.

Program covers the following:

  1. Explore diverse careers across three streams and twenty career clusters.
  2. Gain insights into various professional paths for informed decision-making.
  1. Instill a growth mindset to foster resilience, adaptability, and a positive approach to challenges.
  2. Equip students with the mindset needed for continuous learning and development.
  1. Impart essential life skills aligned with the UNICEF Life Skills and Citizenship Education (LSCE) Framework.
  2. Prepare students for the demands of college and the dynamic landscape of their future careers.
  1. Connect with industry experts through personalized mentoring sessions.
  2. Gain valuable insights and guidance from professionals in various fields.

This comprehensive program ensures that students not only receive career guidance but also develop crucial life skills and benefit from meaningful mentoring experiences with seasoned professionals.

Personal Empowerment

Learning Skills

Essential Skills

Active Citizenship


Get Involved

Be the Changemaker

  • Volunteer for visits to schools to talk to High School Students and talk about your profession.
  • Volunteer to share the details about your work – through form
